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"Babes" classes - for babies who are not yet crawling, approx 6 weeks to 5/6 months.
Stage 1 classes - babies can start anywhere from 5 months to 13 months of age.
Stage 2 classes - for babies and toddlers who are already signing, from approx 14 months.
Whether a bump, babe or toddler, please fill in an enquiry form (see the pink banner on the Bedfordshire and St Neots home page).
Babes pre-Stage 1 classes
Sing and Sign has now developed a Pre-Stage 1 curriculum for babies who are not yet crawling. Sing and Sign 'Babes' builds the foundations for early communication using music, gesture and sensory play. I need a minimum of 6 babies to run a 10-week course so if you and your postnatal pals are interested, please let me know!