
What do Sing and Sign Parents say about Baby Signing...

baby sign mummy daddy

Over the years we have had hundreds of cards and emails from thrilled mums and dads who have experienced Sing and Sign, here are just a few...

Wow, what can I say about Sing and Sign? As a teacher, I'm seeing more and more children come to school lacking a basic understanding of these things and Sing and Sign has given me so many skills to support these children too. It''s such an amazing bonding experience - a chance to force me to put my phone down and just do something fun with my child.
Love love love sing and sign. When people ask why my 2 kids (aged 4.5 and nearly 3) have such good speech I always say it’s due to sing and sign. I tell every new parent I meet to do it! We all still sign and sing the songs
Harry and I loved your classes. Before he could speak he would stand at the fridge frantically signing cheese. He still loves Jessie Cat and does the goodnight sign before going to bed every night. I have been signing milk to 5 month old George, I'm sure he recognises the sign. He loves the Change your Nappy song and the Splishy Splashy bath song. Thank you for all your brilliant teaching.
I don't think you'll ever fully get just how many lives you enriched with these classes - I'll say it again and again that Sing and Sign was THE BEST thing we EVER did with Matthew! xxxx
The single best baby classes we ever invested in. I only went as something to do on a Saturday morning as a family, thinking it was another gimmick. How wrong was I!? Should be on the national curriculum, each child surpassed the next, in their speech development but more importantly their confidence to be able to communicate has been a genuine joy to watch. Can’t recommend it enough
I wanted to write a short note to say "thank you so much" for all the thought and hard work that you put in to make Sing and Sign a real benefit to our children. We will continue to sing your praises to new parents we meet!"
My goodness, people know so much more about the needs of little ones than they did when mine were little, but the signing is just miraculous. I am telling EVERYOBODY about it, though sadly some of my generation can't see it. If they could only appreciate how it makes the child so much less frustrated and how it could avoid all those tantrums, maybe then they'd see the point! Until then, I shall just revel in my genius grandchld and think to myself, many thanks to Sing and Sign!
I really want to tell you how much we love Sing and Sign and all it's done for our son. It is far and away the best activity we have done. Thank you so much for opening the world of communication for him. Signing has helped him blossom!
I am convinced that the use of sign mixed with the fun of music classes has helped both of us through the last two years and positively enhanced my relationship with Jasper. Thank You!
I cannot imagine life without signing with her. It helps us so much, not only for day to day things such as asking for food, sleep, nappy changes, etc. but also in play.... reading books, at the park, singing songs etc.
We're delighted with Sing and Sign - great songs, clear simple signs and explanation - you've done a great job! I regularly recommend Sing and Sign to other parents and friends and tell them how positive and exciting our baby signing experience has been for us. One time on holiday in the Welsh countryside, where the RAF are fond of practising, an exceptionally low flying jet frightened the life out of us. Ella was very upset but by signing "plane" we could tell her what it was and could go over and over it which Ella needed to do afterwards. Signing allowed us to have this discussion and explanation which would have been impossible otherwise.
My little one is 12 months old and we started Sing and Sign classes when she was 6 months old. We originally attended the course to get out of the house, meet other people but most of all to have fun, so as far as I was concerned if my baby picked up signs it was an absolute bonus. Six months later, I have to say that it is one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever encountered. Through the Sing and Sign songs my baby has learnt approximately 30 signs including all gone, angry, bath, bed, biscuit, book, bye-bye, change nappy, clean, cuddle, doll, duck, eat, happy, hat, hello, hot, kiss, light, milk, more, no, open, shut, pain, phone, please, shoe, tired, up, what, where and yes! She has made my heart melt, for example when she asks me for a cuddle or a kiss or signs goodnight when I tuck her into bed. With a grasp of so many signs, my baby can now engage in basic conversation and initiate her own games, all at the tender age of 12 months! Thrilled to bits!
Thank you so much for your Sing and Sign films, my daughter Maisie has been watching from a very early age as her auntie uses sign language and I wanted her to be able to communicate with her effectively. Maisie's signing is fantastic and her speech is excellent too. I put this down to the very early signing we did. I have also noticed that her friends' parents have had real problems understanding their babies who are screaming at them when Maisie has been able to ask for food, drink, and other clear requests from a very early age with no tears or tantrums.
When Meelosh first started at Sign and Sign classes my husband said "Why are you taking him to that? He's not deaf!" but when after a couple of months Meelosh signed to his daddy that he wanted a drink, Bala was so thrilled, and now he is also using a lot of signing with Meelosh.
From viewing the Sing and Sign video just once I was amazed at the number of signs I picked up without realising it - home, food, drink, more and plenty of animals. It is amazing how many signs are contained within the video. The use of signs and songs together mean that signing becomes second nature, as songs such as the farm, going to the park and Grandma's House repeat in your head. Sophie has a lovely look of pleasure on her face when she realises I understand what she is trying to tell me. Thanks for the video and I hope you continue to spread the Sign and Sign message!
Friends who were sceptical at first now confess to being rather envious and say that they will definitely use signing with their next babies. Thank you so much Sing and Sign for giving us this opportunity to have a head start on communication with our baby
Jacqui & Sam
Just wanted to say a really big thank you for the brilliant Sing and Sign classes. It has given us a tremendous lift to be able to communicate with Joseph before he can talk. He loves signing because he gets understood and I'm convinced it helps us get inside each other's worlds. Keep up the good work!
Sing and Sign is excellent. Small classes, friendly atmosphere and it's nice to talk to other parents. Summer did her first sign one morning over breakfast. She kept putting her finger in her ear. I thought she had an earache. Then she did it again and pointed to the window and did a bird sign, she was telling me she could hear the birds outside. We were both very excited that we understood each other. It was a very emotional moment for me as Summer was only 10 months old
I think Sing and Sign is fantastic! My daughter Fleur is now signing away and her speech is amazing - everyone comments on her vocabulary and ability to string words together and she's only 16 months!
Initially I felt that my son may have been a a bit old (at 19 months) to start baby signing as he was already trying to talk, but I couldn't make sense of what he was saying. The signing became a medium for interpreting his particular vocabulary and from then on his speech increased at an incredible rate.
I would like to add how brilliant I think the Sing and Sign films are. My parents visited yesterday and they. were so impressed at my little boy (15 months) doing some of the signs. The best thing for me is that the songs help me to remember what all the signs are. I reckon we are up to at least 20 signs, so without a memory jogger I'm sure I'd forget!

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