
Recommend a friend promotion

How, when & what to claim...

If you are enrolled in our current term, when you recommend friends, you will be entered into our prize draw to win a fantastic prize worth £25! You can recommend as many friends as you like, they do not have to attend the same class as you, but they must attend a term of classes within our franchise area and this must be during the same term as you. One friend=one entry! We reserve the right to withdraw this offer at any time without notice. Winners are notified via email, in class and in Facebook. Prize draws occur at the end of term.

Good luck!

Birthday Parties!

We would love to help make your baby's birthday extra special with a Sing & Sign party!

What could be more delightful for your baby than to celebrate their birthday with all their favourite Sing & Sign songs, nursery rhymes, interactive fun with musical instruments and of course, a special appearance from Jessie Cat?

Suitable for 1st & 2nd birthdays, Sing & Sign parties are popular with all children and we tend to get booked up quite quickly!

So to find out more and request a party information pack, call us now on 07970 752096

Lynsey & Jessie Cat x

Terms & conditions

Sing and Sign Terms and Conditions

We reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time and we will notify you either verbally in class or in writing if changes have been made. 

Unwell babies. If either you or your baby are unwell with something contagious, even if they seem to be their usual happy self eg conjunctivitis, common cold, or anything else, do not bring them to class. We will not admit you into the classroom and will  ask you to go back home. We don't like to be put in that uncomfortable position, plus it is a wasted journey for you. If you or your child has had a sickness/ diorreah bug, please leave 48 hours clear from the last bout before you attend class. We do not offer refunds for missed classes, but we may be able to offer a catch up class, subject to availability. 

Bookings & cancelled classes

Classes must be booked and paid for in advance for the full term. 

We do not accept bookings for part of a term. We guarantee you your place in the class every week for that term. 

If for any reason your usual teacher is unable to run the class (e.g. because of illness) then another Sing and Sign teacher will run the class. If for any reason this is impossible and a class has to be re-scheduled, We will add another class at half term or the end of term. If that is not possible then we will make up the class missed during the remainder of the term by adding on the songs and extending the class times slightly. If you let us know (by email or telephone) with 24 hours notice that you will not be attending this replacement class then we will refund you that week’s class fee. 

If a class is cancelled due to severe weather, pandemic or an Act Of God, we will not refund the class but we will endeavour to provide an additional class later in the term, as a gesture of goodwill, with no cash or other alternative being offered. We cannot guarantee an additional class will be offered in such a circumstance.

*Special Circumstances
In the extreme event of a disruption to class schedule due to the current concerns over coronavirus COVD-19, we wish to ensure your baby doesn't miss out. Consequently, we are working hard to build a 'Sing and Sign at Home' streamed class resource, so you can book your place on our Summer term course in the knowledge that any unwelcome disruption to the schedule will not disadvantage and deprive your baby of their fun and their learning.
Parents are to STRICTLY observe Government guidelines on infectious diseases such as coronavirus, flu, Ebola, etc.. If you have travelled to an affected country you are required to observe the quarantine procedures without exception. Up to date information can be found here

Places are offered on a first come, first served basis. To secure a place in a class, please place your provisional booking online and pay the class fee within seven days. There are a number of ways to pay, either by cheque, BACs or cash. We cannot guarantee your place until payment has been received. 

Once the place is secured with payment, we will e-mail you to confirm your place.

Refunds policy 

Refunds are available if you withdraw from class in the following cases: 

•If you inform us by phone or by e-mail to after your first class, but before your second. In that circumstance, We will offer a refund for the remainder of term, minus the class you have attended & an admin fee as below. 

•If you withdraw from classes before the term has started, We will refund you in full if it is more than two weeks before term starts. However withdrawing from class with less than two weeks to go before term starts, there will be an admin fee of £20.00 
If a dvd, songbook, or online membership was purchased as part of the course fee, or in addition to the course fee, we will not refund this item. 

•If we have to cancel a class and you are unable to attend the replacement class, we will refund you £8 on request.

Missed classes and trial classes 

If you are unable to attend your booked class on a regular basis, please talk to us about it. It MAY be possible for you to visit a different class, or to transfer to a different class. However, we cannot guarantee this, so please consult us before doing so. Sing and Sign has strict limits on the numbers allowed in classes. 

If you miss a class for any reason, it might be possible to arrange a catch up class on another day in the same term. Catch up classes are not guaranteed, they are a gesture of goodwill, at our discretion and subject to availability. 

Courses are non-transferable and your friend or any other person may not attend with their child instead of you.

Can I carry over money from missed classes to the next term? 


Can I bring a friend and their baby to class as a trial? 

Please do not bring friends along to class unannounced. It MAY be possible to accommodate a friend and their baby, if there are still spare places in the class, but we do not guarantee this. Term time trial classes cost £15 and are bookable in advance.

We do not often offer free trial classes during term time, because it may be seen as discourteous and disruptive to the parents who have committed to the full term of classes. We often run free “taster” sessions as extra classes during term time. so there are plenty of opportunities for people to “try before they buy”. 

Family members and siblings in class

Siblings under 3 years are not permitted to attend any of our classes under any circumstances. Please ask BEFORE you bring children over 3 or adult family members with you. We are limited by our insurance policy as to how many people are in our classroom and we reserve the right to refuse entry to guests. 

If you are regularly bringing someone else’s baby or are a child-minder bringing more than one child (who are not siblings) then you will have to pay for each place.

Children’s behaviour in class 

We encourage babies to crawl or walk about and interact, they are not required to sit still. Problems with behaviour are very rare, but of course can happen occasionally. If a baby hits, bites or throws toys the teacher will tell them to stop and the parent/career should do the same and remove their child from the classroom to avoid further disruption and in some circumstances a refund may be offered for the remainder of term at the teacher's discretion. 

Keeping babies safe in class is our priority. This may mean that we cannot accommodate babies who we feel have physically outgrown the class. Our age group suggestions are a guideline only, they are not set in stone. Teachers reserve the right to use their experience to make decisions about which class, if any, a baby can attend. We reserve the right to refuse admission. As all babies are unique, we always make a decision based on keeping all the babies who attend our classes safe. 

Complaints procedure 

We really hope that you will be delighted with your experience of Sing and Sign. If for any reason you are not happy, we would like to hear about it via email. Please do get in touch if you have a complaint or concern. We will always do our best to resolve any problems as quickly as possible and to everyone’s satisfaction. If there is any aspect of the course/classes that you are unsure about, please don’t be too shy to ask! 

Class etiquette

Please do not chat during the lesson or cross the teaching area.

The use of mobile phones, cameras and other recording devices is not permitted during the class.

Snacks are not permitted during the class, but may be permitted at some venues during tea/toy time. Please check with your teacher.

Nuts/nut products are not permitted inside the classroom at any time.

Aggression towards our teachers will not be tolerated. We reserve the right to refuse entry to/ask to leave any person whom the teacher considers to be aggressive, disrespectful  and/or disruptive. In this circumstance, a refund will not be given in whole or in part.  

When you make a payment to us, you are agreeing to abide by the above terms and conditions. 

Contact me: • Lynsey, Email.  Tel. 07970752096

Term dates

Sing and Sign Summer term 2024 classes starting April 15th

BOOK here

Privacy Policy

This policy describes how we collect, use and look after the information you provide us.  Our Privacy Policy only relates to personal data collected and stored via:

  • the Sing and Sign website Enquiry Submission Form,
  • Book My Class Registration Process,
  • Emails,
  • Printed Class Registers,
  • Phone Call
  • Social Communication including Facebook Messaging and WhatsApp
  • Printed GDPR Consent Forms for Summer Term 2018 participants

The Data Protection Act 1998
We look after your details carefully. We adhere to the requirements of the UK Data Protection Act 1998 and we are seeking to become compliant with the new GDPR policy coming into being from 25th May 2018.
Use of Personal Information
We collect data under the Legal Basis of “Performance of a contract to which the data subject is party, or to take steps prior to the entering into a contract at the request of the data subject.” as well as “Consent” of the data subject. Personal information provided to us via our website enquiries form, booking site, facebook pages, email, class register and telephone contact including WhatsApp will be used for the purposes outlined below.

  • Administering a space on one of our Sing and Sign courses
  • Communicating supporting resources for our Sing and Sign courses
  • Fulfilment of orders for Sing and Sign Resources requested by the data subject including Online Membership
  • Communication about forthcoming events and offers including Charitable fundraising
  • Communication pertaining to future Sing and Sign Resource Orders and future Sing and Sign course bookings which would be of direct interest to the data subject
  • Using social apps such as WhatsApp to enabling a social network between Sing and Sign attendees with the specific consent of each data subject
  • Processing personal data for the above purposes may entail sharing your information with employees and colleagues of ours within the Sing and Sign franchise. Agreements exist between all that there must be no further disclosure of such personal data.

Your Consent
By providing your personal data to us you consent to the processing of such data as described in this Privacy Policy. During Summer Term 2018 you will be asked to manually ‘Opt In’ via Class Registers in accordance with new GDPR policy introduced from May 25th 2018.  Online Registration Forms will be updated following Manual Opt-Ins. From Autumn Term 2018 Consent will be gained through our online registration process. You can alter your preferences as described below.
Use of Data and Opting - In
During your time with Sing and Sign, we will make contact with you via the means listed above in the following ways:
We will send you communications relating to your Sing and Sign course as follows:

  • Booking In Offer Emails and Payment Reminders
  • Pre-Term Welcome Emails and invitations to subscribe to our Online Membership
  • Weekly Handouts by email directly relating to the content of our signing curriculum
  • Invitations by email to join our Termly Class Order for Sing and Sign Resources and payment reminders where appropriate
  • Future Term Booking notice by email and payment reminders where appropriate
  • News, reminders, updates by WhatsApp if the data subject has opted in
  • Urgent changes to session times/parking issues/venues etc by WhatsApp if the data subject has opted in
  • Fundraising appeals once or twice a year to current class participants via email and WhatsApp where the data subject has opted in.
  • Social stories/shared articles relating to our work via WhatsApp where data subjects have opted in

By ‘Opting In’ during your Class This Term you are agreeing to be contacted for the reasons detailed above. If you do not ‘Opt In’ before May 25th, your contact details may be removed from our system and you may miss out on valuable information pertaining to your Sing and Sign course. 
We do not pass your details to third parties.  Upon finishing your term/terms, correspondence from us will largely cease.  We may contact you by email once or twice a year to ask for support in local awards/competitions.  We will keep your data for up to 7 years unless it is specifically requested to be removed from our systems.  If at any time you want to alter your preferences or request that we stop communication with you then you should contact us as described below.
WhatsApp Disclaimer
By consenting to join our Sing and Sign WhatsApp groups you are consenting to the Terms and Conditions provided by WhatsApp including the WhatsApp Privacy Policies and we take no responsibility nor liability for data stored and shared by the WhatsApp company. By requesting your telephone number to be stored on a phone belonging to The Director or any employee of ours you understand that WhatsApp have access to that Contact Number regardless of whether you join a WhatsApp class group or not. Once your Sing and Sign course/s have been completed, staff will/may delete contact numbers from staff phones at any time during the data retention period specified above or at the request of the data subject as specified below.
Accessing your Personal Data held by us.
You have the right to ask us in writing, for a copy of all the personal data held about you. This is known as a "data subject access request". Upon request, we will collate the data requested and send it to you within the 30 day maximum period as stipulated by GDPR May 2018.
Please apply via email to:

Verifying, updating and amending your personal information
We aim to keep your records as up-to-date as possible. If, at any time, you want to verify, update or amend your personal data or preferences please contact us in writing at the above address or by email on
You can also opt-out of future communications at any time by writing to at the above address or by email on
Please allow up for 10 working days for us to amend your details.
For more information on GDPR please visit:

Just a few of the awards and honours Sing and Sign has received

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