Sing and Sign baby signing classes in... York
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Welcome to Sing & Sign York!
Hello! And welcome to the pages of Sing and Sign, York and Selby.
The spring term is now well underway with most Stage 1 and Stage 2 classes full. Where availability remains, you can book a trial for £7.75 and then choose to join us for the remainder of the term if you wish or register you interest for the summer term, booking for which will open in a few weeks.
For babies 0-5m, a new block of Sing and Sign Babes is due to start w/c February 24th and can be booked now by hitting the 'Book Now' button.
What Stage Should I Choose?
As a rule of thumb, stages equate to the following:
Stage 1 - 6-12m (Songs and signs related to the routines and interests of your baby)
Stage 2 - 13 - 24m (A bit more action! Choices, opposites, colours, weather...counting to three and a whole lot more! Builds on our Stage 1 course but is open to all whether they have completed a Stage 1 course or not)
Not yet 6 months? No problem! A five week Sing and Sign Babes course will teach you some gentle and engaging communication activities to share with your little one, as well as some great rhymes and signs that will entertain you both and get you started on your baby signing journey. This course runs twice a term and the w/c February 24th start dates are open to book. Sing and Sign Babes is suitable for babies from birth or from whenever you feel ready to leave the house and start meeting others with babies a similar age. Classes are small and relaxed, and your baby doesn't even need to be awake!
Back at work? Can't make a venue class? Why not join us for our 10 week streamed video course, Sing and Sign@Home with an optional live, Saturday morning class via Zoom!
Click 'Book Now' to access the booking area, or for more information, just click on the enquiry button and drop me a line!
For more things Sing and Sign, York jump through here: own 'Sing and Sign' journey began when a friend encouraged me to attend a 'Sing and Sign' class with my baby daughter, Sydney. With a background in drama, music and English teaching, the concept of communicating with my baby through gestures and music was intriguing, and once we got going it paid us huge dividends. The classes were fun for us both; Sydney was excited and stimulated by the music, songs and surprising props, and I was delighted by a system that is easy, fun and engaging, and also encouraged me to learn a new skill. Baby signing quickly established itself in our household and we were overjoyed when, at about 10 months old, Sydney actually started signing back! It wasn't long before her vocabulary of signs was such that we were enjoying quite an astonishing insight into her emerging world. From the descriptions she gave us of our family walks to the park, to her account of her imminent bedtime routine as we sat eating dinner, signing with Sydney will forever be one of my most cherished memories of early parenting.
I'm really looking forward to helping you to embark on your own 'Sing and Sign' adventure, and hope that you find it as rewarding and exciting as I did.
See you in class!
Anna -
More Info
What Do Our Courses Include, How Much Do They Cost and How To Book A Place.
Our Babes course is designed for very little children from birth until 6 months and builds a framework for good communication. Its unique syllabus covers anticipation, eye contact, routine, shared looking, turn taking, consistency, repetition, babble and speech sounds, and there will be plenty of time for affection, praise, touch, music and listening, and of course a group of specially selected signs for you to begin your baby signing journey!! If you might be interested in us running a Babes course specifically for you and your friends at home, please send us an email and we will get in touch (minimum attendance is four babes).
Our Babes' course costs £37.50 for a five week course and includes five weeks access to our Sing and Sign Babes resources within the membership area of our website. Here you will find videos going over the communication activities that you will meet in class, as well as broader information about our weekly communication themes from franchisees from across the country, as well as expert advice from our speech and language consultant, Sue Crane. You also have the ability to stream the Sing and Sign Babes CD for the duration of your courses, useful if you're feeling tired and need a bit of a reminder, or fancy playing it in the car!
Our Stage 1 course is designed for beginners and babies (from 6 months up to 13 months) and runs for ten weeks. The course syllabus includes: Basic Signs (Milk, More, Finished…), Going Out, Bath Time, Nappy Change, Emotions, Help Me, Bedtime, Being Ill, People, Animals & Vehicles. This is the stage where signing might take off, with most children signing back from around 9 months old (although of course, all children are different - we’ve even had 7 month old baby signers, together with those who make their first sign around their first birthday. There’s no hurry and never any pressure).
Our Stage 2 course is designed to help older children (14 months up to around 2½ years) with more progressive concepts and encourages sounds & simple counting. The syllabus includes: Choices, Colours, Weather, Opposites, Love & Manners, Potty Training, Phonetic Alphabet, Speech Sounds & Numbers, and is a brilliant pre-school foundation.
Our 10 week Stage 1 and Stage 2 courses cost £75 per term and includes registration in our BASIC Online Membership. This gives attendees access to some baby signing tips, reminders of the melodies of the main course songs and also the chance to see videos of baby signing in action so you have an idea of what to look out for! There is also the option of reserving an accompanying GOLD or PREMIUM 'Sing and Sign' On-line Membership for the bargain price of £15 / £30 (40% off the regular website price). GOLD Membership includes brand new supporting material for the Stage 1 course (published on-line for the first time in November 2017), the award winning 'Sing and Sign Original' DVD, a live action signing dictionary of over 200 signs that can be saved and printed out to share with any of your child's other carers and a couple of simple, interactive games which are sure to delight your baby/toddler. PREMIUM Membership includes all of the GOLD Content plus, the Stage 2 'More Sing and Sign' DVD, the 'Have A Sing And Sign Christmas' DVD and a short 'Look At Them Now' film of the original 'Sing and Sign' babies. Alternatively, a Stage 1 ('The Original Sing and Sign') or Stage 2 ('More Sing and Sign') DVD can be requested for £15. As class members, if you have GOLD membership, you will also be given access to our ten week, streamed video course, Stage 1 Sing and Sign@Home which runs parallel to our course. These thirty minute films change weekly and will follow the same themes and structure as your weekly venue class; great if you need to miss a week or have partners at home who would like to get in on the action, too! Premium Members can enjoy Sing and Sign Stage 2 (or Stage 1 if they would prefer) Sing and Sign@Home, too.
Relaxed older siblings (3 years + with the ability to sit still[ish] for an hour)and multiples can enrol for FREE but we do need the names of every child that will be coming along in order to reserve them a place. Just mention additional siblings in the "Any Other Information" part of our booking form.
The Booking Pages can be accessed here:
What Our Mums and Dads Say About 'Sing and Sign'...
Sing and Sign, York, Nursery Affiliation Programme.
Our Nusery Affiliation Programme allows childcare settings to harness the benefits of baby signing using the easy and fun Sing and Sign Programme. Affliation includes:
- A 1.5 hour training session in your nursery for up to 15 staff, led by an experienced Sing and Sign practitioner.
- An action plan devised specifically for your nursery, in collaboration with your staff.
- License to use Sing and Sign songs and resources in your setting for 12 months.
- A Time to Sing and Sign CD of songs.
- Affiliated access to Sing and Sign's Gold Online resources, giving you access to the full, live action dictionary of signs, and the ability to print them off.
- Sing and Sign Affiliate logo to use in marketing.
- Affiliate setting and training attendence certificates.
A list of Sing and Sign Affiliated nurseries in the local area can be found below:
Mini Explorers Nursery - Northallerton - DL7 9LN
Blossoms Day Nursery - Field View, Doncaster Road, BURN YO8 8LA Tel: 01757 270128
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