
Sing and Sign baby signing classes in... Nottingham

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  • About Me

    Welcome to Sing and Sign Nottingham

    My name is Crystal and I have been interested in baby signing since long before my daughters were born. I am qualified in British Sign Language and as a primary school teacher I saw first-hand the benefits of signing alongside speech with all children no matter what their age. They were often able to grasp concepts quicker than when being taught without signs and were able to use signs as well as speech to show they had understood. 

    knew that when I had children I would sign to them and when my daughter, Neve, arrived in August 2011 we began signing to her almost immediately! It was clear that she understood the signs from just a few months old but it wasn’t until she signed herself - ‘bird’ and ‘washing machine’(!) at around 10 months - that her excitement about being understood was clear. Her signing vocabulary grew to allow her to tell us when she was hungry, thirsty, tired or in pain and most importantly of all to stop us having to play guessing games and her becoming frustrated at not being understood.

    Now, at nearly 3 years old Neve is the biggest chatterbox and is only quiet when she’s asleep and sometimes not even then! Although she doesn't use the sign language for herself any more the signing helped her language to develop so that she has a far greater vocabulary than you would expect from such a little person and she is confident in speaking to a wide range of people.

    My youngest daughter, Isla, is now 14 months and is in full signing 'flow' with around 50 signs that she uses (and hundreds that she understands). We have the most fantastic conversations about just about everything that enters her world. She can tell me when she sees a bird or an aeroplane (which is more frequent than you could possibly imagine!), when she wants to sleep and when she's hungry, thirsty or in pain without me having to play guessing games or her getting frustrated. Her signs allow her to "say" sophisticated things that her little voice can't quite manage yet and to emphasise the spoken words that are really important to her.

    The extra advantage of baby signing that I had never considered before has also now become apparent to children can sit and talk together without me. Isla will 'read' books to Neve by pointing and signing the familiar things (her favourites are ducks and dogs!) and Neve will point out the things and teach Isla the signs that Isla hasn't yet learnt. It seems that I have a mini Sing and Sign teacher in the making!

    Fill in the enquiry form HERE to find out about availability or to get more info.

    To see videos and pictures of some of Sing and Sign Nottingham's babies please 'like' my Facebook page:

  • More Info

    About Our Classes

    Spring 2025 classes


    w/b Monday 6th January to w/b Monday 20th March (NO class w/b Monday 17th February)


    The term is 12 weeks long at a total cost of £84. 

    What should I expect?

    Our unique approach combines nursery rhymes and action songs with puppets, props, pictures and instruments in musical activities designed to encourage natural, fun communication between you and your baby.

    Our classes are very relaxed, easy and great fun! We keep class sizes small (a maximum of 12 per class) so you and your baby get the attention you deserve and can properly enjoy the social aspect of the class.

    Classes have approximately 30-40 minutes of singing, signing and playing instruments followed by social time for both babies and mums/dads. This is the ideal opportunity to chat to other mums and dads and a great chance to make new friends and catch up with old ones. Your teacher is also available to answer any questions that may not have already been answered in class. 

    We know babies don't like to stay still so we don't expect them to! They are free to crawl/toddle/shuffle around the room…you’d be surprised how much they learn even when they are looking out of the window!

    We learn all the signs through our easy-to-learn action songs. Don't worry if you can't sing…your baby will love your voice no matter what! The signs are repeated from week to week in a variety of ways so don’t worry if you forget some, they’ll come up again!  

    Fill in the enquiry form below to find out about availability or to get more info.

  • Nurseries

    Does your child attend a nursery?

    Sing and Sign has previously provided sessions in:

    The Wishing Well Day Nursery, Lady Bay in the "Birth to Three room". 


    Sing and Sign has an excellent Nursery Affiliation Programme which will train staff on their own premises at a time to suit all. We will teach staff a selection of signs both tailor-made to the nursery's individual requirements and also complementary to the Sing and Sign classes that you attend with your child. In this way you can rest assured that your child is receiving a consistent signing approach being taught the same signs that you use at home while you are at work.


    Following training, the nursery will receive a Certificate of Sing and Sign Affiliation together with ongoing access to our signing resources.


    If your baby attends nursery or you know of a childcare facility that would be interested in receiving further information, please do pass our details on, or contact us at the number/email above. 

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