
Sing and Sign baby signing classes in... North Tyneside, Newcastle & Northumberland

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  • About Me

    Welcome to Sing and Sign Northtyneside and Newcastle

    BOOKINGS ARE OPEN! Click here to see availability

    My name is Shannon Browning and I have taught and run baby signing classes in North Tyneside since 2007. Baby signing has changed my life and I very much want it to change yours too!

    You have probably heard lots of different things about baby signing, but it's important to know first off that it is really fun and very easy. You only need to learn a few signs to make a significant difference in your child's ability to communicate. You can lessen frustration, enrich language learning, encourage speech development and have a lot of fun with it too. 

    The great thing about our classes is that they are relaxed, so you can have fun while doing something educational and meaningful with your child. We sing about routines in life, mealtime, bath time and bedtime and other things to capture your child's imagination like animals, vehicles and having fun!

    I am glad you are thinking of joining our classes, this is the begining of your communication journey! 

    To sign up for our classes, simply click on this LINK to be taken to our booking site, or click the more info button, at the top of this page, to send us an email. 

    We hope to meet you and your baby soon.  

    I look forward to hearing from you!


  • More Info

    Sing and Sign North Tyneside

    What Happens in Class?

    Classes are very relaxed and good fun! We keep class sizes small (around 12 maximum per class) so you and your baby can enjoy the social aspect of class. We use instruments, songs, music and props to engage your little one and demonstrate our core signs. 


    Which Class Should I Attend?

    We have 3 different "stages" of Sing and Sign which have been developed specifically for your baby's developmental stages.


    Sing and Sign Babes classes are for newborn to 5/6 month olds with their parent/carer.  This gentle class explores themes such as eye contact, gesture and anticipation together with lots of cuddles, tickles and some simple signs.  All building the framework for good communication and brought to you using our magic ingredient - music!


    Sing and Sign Stage 1 is ideal for babies from 6 months old up to around 14 months old and their parent/carer.  Themes include basic signs, nappies & bath time, emotions & bedtime.  You'll learn over 100 signs related to your routines and also the sort of things your baby may be interested in, such as animals and vehicles.


    It is quite a big step from Stage 1 to Stage 2, so many people come to Stage 1 for two terms before attending Stage 2. However, this is also dependent on your baby's age.


    Sing and Sign Stage 2 is great when your little one is 14+ months, moving about and probably starting to talk (although every baby is different, so there's no hard and fast rule!) as it is more active and interactive.  Themes include weather, opposites, colours and the phonetic alphabet, together with simple counting songs, turn taking, sharing and of course, lots of fun!


    Some people don't hear about Sing and Sign until their little ones are 14+ months old and then wonder if it too late to start. Not at all!  It may be more appropriate to come straight to a Stage 2 class, but if you ring / e-mail me we can have a chat about your individual circumstances.


    How Long Do Classes Run For?

    10-week Babes classes run for about 30 minutes.

    10-week Stage 1 and 2 classes run for about an hour, with approximately 45/50 minutes of signing.(sometimes longer depending on the size of the group).  

    For health and safety reasons we can't have drinks/food in the rooms where we run the classes.


    How Many People Attend Sing and Sign Classes?

    Class sizes are limited to 12 babies (fewer at some venues) with their parent/carer. Space can be tight so, apart from on special occasions (e.g. Granny coming to stay for the week), we have to limit places to one adult per child.

    I Have Twins / Triplets - How Many Places Do I Pay For?

    Twins/Triplets are welcome and only pay for one place.   


    The Jessie Cat Club Online offers you portable, streamed access to our resources via the internet. You can use your phone, tablet, laptop, desktop or even a smart TV. Now your baby can be entertained by our award winning DVD or play peek-a-boo with our class mascot, Jessie Cat, at any time of the day (or night!) anywhere you choose!

    What does it cost?

    @Home learning Babes, Stage 1 and Stage 2 £50

    LIVE Classes

    Babes classes (10 weeks) £55.00 approx 30 mins 

    Stage 1 and Stage 2 classes (10 weeks) cost £75 approx 45-50 mins. 

    I Am Holiday For A Couple Of Weeks, Do I Still Have To Pay The Full Amount?

    In a word yes! Sing and Sign classes operate as a course not a drop-in and your place is guaranteed each week. Many people miss one or two weeks because of illness/holidays etc and they soon catch up as our classes are purposefully repetitive to help you remember the songs and the signs (and babies love routine too). We will also give you access to handouts, which compliment the the classes.

    If you cannot attend a class for a specific week, you will have access to our @home program, this can be watched whenever and wherever you like. 

    In my terms and conditions, it is clear, that if you've never been to Sing and Sign before, attend the first class and really don't like it, I will give a full refund for the rest of the classes (This will exclude a £10 for stage 1 or £15 for Stage 2) admin feel.  (Gladly this has only happened a handful of times over the last 15 years).

    Can I Attend A Taster?

    One of the lovely things about Sing and Sign is that we keep the class sizes small and you see the same people each week. Having someone come for one week midterm would change the dynamic of the group and also wouldn't be appropriate as it is a course which builds each week, not a drop-in. For those reasons, we don't allow people to drop in for a "taster" during term time.

    When there is time, I run free "taster" sessions which you are welcome to book on to (see "special events" on the online booking system).  I also often run these sessions at local baby groups - if you go to one of these and would like me to come along, please get in touch.

    If you don't get a chance to attend a taster and you book on to a course and don't enjoy the first session, I will give you a refund for the remainder of the classes

    How Do I Enrol?

    Just follow the link at the top of the main page and "log on". If the class of your choice is full you can book on the waiting list, but a place will only become available if someone on that class asks to move class.  Therefore, to guarantee your place, I would advise you to book on an alternative class.


    Here's what just a few of our parents have said about their experience in our classes:

    Stage 1 and 2 of Sing and Sign with Shannon has been the highlight of both mine and Juliet’s week for a year now. Every week Shannon welcomes each baby and toddler like a family member. She doesn’t just know the personalities and preferences of each child but she clearly enjoys watching them learn and enjoy the class as much as their parents or grandparents do. Her welcome isn’t limited to little ones either. During school holidays and strikes my eldest (aged 4 and 5 at the time of attending) has been her ‘special helper’ such a confidence boost to my usually shy boy. Both he and Juliet use the signs they’ve learnt every day. Even though Juliet is talking a little now she still uses the tools Shannon gave her when she needs to. When she’s feeling shy in front of strangers she can still tell me what she needs in a way she feels comfortable with. And when she feels nobody is listening to even her BIG VOICE she can grab my attention by using her BIG SIGNS instead. Perhaps the most special thing has been watching Jude and Juliet communicate with each other using the signs. In the early days it was a great way for Jude to interact with his younger sibling, now the ‘please’ and ‘share’ sign are often used when the other has something they would like and snatching hasn’t worked…

    Laura and Juliette


    ..Sing & Sign is by far the favourite baby class I have done with my girls, and without a doubt the most useful! I started four years ago with my oldest daughter. I was amazed by how early she started to communicate, and I loved being able to use the content so much at home. I returned three years later with my youngest and enjoyed it just as much second time round. Sing & Sign has been an amazingly welcoming family affair. Both times when I returned to work after maternity leave my mam and mother-in-law took over and it’s been a great community for them too. I miss going to class, but we still sing the songs at home a lot as they fit so well with day-to-day activities (nappy change, going home, bath, etc). Sing & Sign is always the class I recommend to my friends who are new parents. It’s brilliant!

    Nicola, Grandma June and Martha


    I have brought both my daughters to Sing and Sign classes with Shannon over the last 8 years and they have been invaluable. Learning signs together has really aided communication and it’s been lovely to see Josie using them. The online resources have been an additional bonus - they have helped me to learn the signs and songs and I’ve been surprised how engaged Josie has been watching them.

    It’s been great being part of Sing and Sign - we’ve had so much fun, made wonderful memories and new friends. Thank you, Shannon, for all that you do! Sarah and Josie x

    Chris B said - "As a dad, joining such classes can sometimes be quite intimidating, but Shannon and the other parents made me feel very welcome and at ease. It didn't take very long after starting the classes for my daughter to start signing her first words. It was really rewarding when she did, and as her signing has progressed, her frustration level dropped as she was able to communicate her wants and needs with me (and mummy!).

    Now aged 18 months, the signing has taken on new significance as my daughter now reinforces her new spoken words with signs; we understand her better, and she understands us better. Besides the developmental aspect of Sing & Sign, it's also tremendous FUN! It is the activity my daughter and I look forward to most every week; a chance for us to share songs and laughter, whilst both learning new things at the same time. And like every young attendee, my daughter is head-over-heels in love with Jessie the cat.

    I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Sing & Sign to any mums or dads. Attending the classes has been a great bonding experience for my daughter and I, plus the impact on her communication development has been simply incredible. 

    Michelle said - "Thanks Shannon, I've done every baby group available since last April and we definitely enjoyed this one the best. Millie has signed birds, more, food, drink and milk this week so we are thrilled.

    Good luck with your future groups, Best wishes"

    "I took my little boy to Sing & Sign and he loved it! He learnt to communicate with me long before he could talk. I would fully recommend Shannon’s classes – she is very enthusiastic and always has lots of fun planned for every class. All the children respond very well to her. I’m looking forward to taking my baby daughter as soon as she is old enough! Bev x"

    Helen says - "I found these Sing and Sign classes excellent for both my children. My oldest who is now 2 1/2 still uses the occasional sign when he is too shy to talk. I was overwhelmed by the success of signing with him - I think the pinnacle was when he signed 'thank you' for his Easter egg! I am convinced than being able to sign eased his tantrums and he is now a SUPER communicator so it can only have helped.

    I'm now attending with my daughter who is 15 months old - she's loving it and signs loads too. You can see the delight on her face when she can tell us that she's seen a bird or a plane".

    Jane says - "I would highly recommend Sing and Sign classes to enjoy with your baby. I attended with both my children from about 8 months old and they both greatly enjoyed the sessions and love the songs and Jessie cat! The sessions are very friendly and you can join in as much or as little as you like. Even if you don't do loads of signing at home they are still a lovely class to attend to meet other mums and for your baby to play and learn. Highly recommended!" 

    Ingrid said "This is simply a must for any parent wanting to communicate from the earliest opportunity with their child whilst having fun. Mums and Dads, Grandparents and those close to my little one all enjoyed these classes and DVD's. Easy to learn and apply in everyday life, most people can't believe a very young child can communicate it's needs and requests so easily. For an enthusiastic, fun and warm early communication class you'd find it hard to beat".

    Laura says - I took my little girl to Sing and Sign from being about 6 months old and we completed 2 terms of stage 1 and 2 terms of stage 2 . We learnt so much each week. In fact, my husband was staggered at the number of signs I was able to show him after just 2 sessions! We continue to use lots of the songs at home now. My daughter absolutely loved the structure of the sessions and seeing Jessie cat each week. Shannon is an amazing teacher with so much enthusiasm and patience. My daughter absolutely adored her! I am looking forward to being able to take baby number 2 along!

    Tanya says - have been a huge fan of sing and sign since I took my first son along at about 6 months, he loved and I loved it too! So much so that when son number 2 came along I signed him up as well. Sing and Sign is an enjoyable social experience but it is also very beneficial for babies, both of my boys started talking early and both have been assessed as having language skills and understanding beyond their years. I attribute this to sing and sign and can't recommend it highly enough.

    Joanne says  - I've done this with both my children which equates to about 4 years now - it's great. There's such a sense of achievement when they sign to you what they want or what they are feeling. Shannon is awesome and the kids really respond well to her. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.


    Sing and Sign Birthday Parties.

    You can enjoy the fun and excitement of multiple award-winning Sing and Sign at your baby's birthday party. Many of our parents love the fact that through our birthday parties they can introduce their friends and family to the wonders of Sing and Sign.

    What could be a better surprise on your baby's birthday than entertainment that you've seen them love an enjoy? This is a "unique and wonderful way to celebrate your littles one’s birthday".

    Jessie cat and I can help make your special day even more memorable. We'll devise a party plan featuring your little one's favourite songs and you can share the joy of Sing and Sign with your friends and family. They will see what you've been learning and pick up easy signs that they can use with your baby and at home with theirs!

    It’s a super way to get everyone involved and your event will always be remembered. Your baby will also receive a Jessie cat Birthday card and a special gift.

    Please contact me for more details and date availability! 

  • Nurseries

    Sing and Sign in Childcare

    Does your child attend a nursery?

    Increasingly I'm approached by parents who are returning to work, seeking advice on which local nurseries use signing with their children. Babysigning is an invaluable tool to use with children, particulaly in multilingual communities, and it offers many benefits and rewards, for children and staff alike.

    Sing and Sign has an excellent Nursery Affiliation Programme which will train staff on their own premises at a time to suit all. We will teach staff a selection of signs, tailor made to the nursery's individual requirements and design an Individual Action Plan to inspire staff and make signing fun and easy to incorporate.

    Following training, the nursery will receive a Certificate of Sing and Sign Affiliation together with ongoing access to our signing resources and a complimentary package of products. Our Sing and Sign Nursery Affiliation Programme is effective, efficient, good value for money and highly regarded by the nurseries that I have visited.

    Nurseries currently Affiliated with Sing and Sign

    Good Time Day Care - Whitley bay Tel+01912893386

    Other Nurseries which  have received (and greatly enjoyed) my Sing and Sign Nursery Affiliation Programme training sessions:

    Fingerpaint Kindergarten, Waterworks Rd, Ryhope, 0191 523 9919

    Maple Lodge Nursery, 9 Moor Park, Gosforth, Tel 0191 2131066

    Little Diamonds Nursery, 30 Willington Terrace, Station Road, Wallsend NE28 7BB, Tel 0191 263 4022

    Tynemouth Nursery Group 

    All of these nurseries have given me very positive feedback on their training experiences and have also fully embraced signing with the children in their care.

    Please contact me if you'd like to include your Nursery Setting in the Sing and Sign Nursery Affiliation Programme. I will inspire your staff to become proficient signers - and you, your staff, your parents and most importantly, the children entrusted to you will reap the benefits the early pre-verbal communication brings.

    If your baby attends nursery or you know of a childcare facility that would be interested in receiving further information, please do pass our details on, or contact me 

  • Gallery

    Fantastic Signs

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Just a few of the awards and honours Sing and Sign has received

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