
Sing and Sign baby signing classes in... Munich

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  • About Me

    Welcome to Sing and Sign to Munich!

    Hi! My name is Amanda and I'm very excited to be bringing Sing & Sign classes to Munich

    Click here to see availability & book now!

    All carers are welcome to attend with their baby, even parents together, but just let me know in the comments section when you book if more than one will be coming please.  

    Want more information about the content of the classes?

    Click on " more info " tab 


    Classes run for 55 minutes. We Sing and Sign for approximately 45 minutes and then there is time for babies to play and parents to chat for the last 10 minutes.

    Spring 2025 term courses are running at 4 venues.

    Booking is now open!

    ELKI Schwabing, Pippagina Lerchenfeldstraße 14 (Lehel), Ludlstr. 12 near Westpark and Nirantara Yoga studio Unterföhring

    Babes for babies 0-6 months. 5 week course: €55

    Stage 1: babies 6-18 months. 11 week: €154

    Stage 2: babies 14-30 months. 11 Week: €154

    Stage 2 is designed for those who have already completed Stage 1, however newcomers are welcome, if unsure please contact me via email before booking

    Nirantara Yoga Studio, Föhringer Allee 27 (UG), 85774, Unterföhring

    I will open the course for May as 'register interest'. If enough register then the class can run

    Pippagina: Lerchenfeldstr. 16 in Lehel,  Ground floor, 80538

    Stage 2 @ 9.30    Stage 1 @ 10:45

    15.01.25, 22.01.25, 29.01.25, 05.02.25, 12.02.25, 19.02.25, 26.02.25
    1 week BREAK for school holidays 5th March
    12.03.25, 19.03.25, 26.03.25, 02.04.25

    Babes @ 12:00 & 13:00

    15.01.25, 22.01.25, 29.01.25, 05.02.25, 12.02.25
    Then a second course for 5 weeks. (the course is broken into 2 parts to make this more accessible for new parents. It doesn't matter which half is completed first)
    19.02.25, 26.02.25
    1 week BREAK for school holidays 5th March
    12.03.25, 19.03.25, 26.03.25

    Ludlstrasse 12, Gemeinschaftsraum MGW (Community room) Ground floor , 80689

    Thursdays @ 9:30 11 weeks. Stage 1 only

    Course dates: 
    16.01.25, 23.01.25, 30.01.25, 06.02.25, 13.02.25, 20.02.25, 27.02.25
    1 week break for school holidays
    13.03.25, 20.03.25, 27.03.25, 03.04.25

    Eltern-Kind Zentrum (ELKI) Schwabing, Nordenstraße 53, 80801

    Stage 2 @ 9:30
    Stage 1 @ 10:45 & 12:00

    17.01.25, 24.01.25, 31.01.25, 07.02.25, 14.02.25, 21.02.25, 28.02.25
    1 week BREAK for school holidays
    14.03.25, 21.03.25, 28.03.25, 04.04.25

    About me...

    I started sing and sign online with my oldest daughter when she was 6 months old and it constantly amazed me how much she picked up and was able to communicate with me as a result. 
    I have lived in Munich since 2018 and heard about Sing and Sign from my sister who attended courses with both her children. Unfortunately, living in Munich there was no such class for us to attend but as my daughter is a covid baby everything started becoming available online which was lucky for us. After completing the course and becoming very passionate about Sing and Sign, it was pointed out to me that I could start my own class and share what I had learnt with other mums and babies. It makes so much sense for me to teach Sing and Sign as I have been teaching English as a foreign language to children for 7 years before this and it often included teaching songs with actions. But Sing and Sign is so much more fun!
    Explaining the concept and how my daughter was able to communicate with me to friends is always met with amazement. I'm so happy to be able to open the first Sing and Sign class in Germany and offer English speaking parents and babies the opportunity to take part.
    This is also an ideal course for those who speak English as a second language and would like their children to be able to access English nursery rhymes and start learning English straight away in a fun and engaging way. The course is run in English, however, the signs can be used at home in any language and the signs actually work as a wonderful bridge between languages. 

    Please see the more info tab and explore the main website for more explanation of how it all works.

    Please follow me on instagram @singandsignmunich and my facebook page Sing and Sign Munich


    Amanda Dropping
    Address: Ludlstraße 12, 80689, München
    Phone: +491724111802

  • More Info

    Current Offer

    I teach Babes and Stage 1 and Stage 2. 

    Stage 1 is for age 6-18 months, Babes is for babies under 6 months, and Stage 2 is for 14+ months. It is recommended to do Stage 2 as a follow on from Stage 1, however newcomers are welcome. Feel free to email me to ask for more information if you are unsure.  

    You can also choose the just the @Home class if you don't want to come to an in-person class at a venue.  However, the @Home class is also included with the venue classes. @Home is also a good option if there are no classes in your area. 

    Sing and Sign Stage 1 & Stage 2 courses are normally a 10 week term, but this can vary on the venue. Sometimes the course can be 11 or 12 weeks depending on the time of year.

    @HOME course costs €60 for a 10 week term - this fee includes a weekly class (pre-recorded therefore able to be viewed as often as you like for the 7 days it is available) and membership to the Jessie Cat Club.

    The Sing and Sign way

    Sing and Sign classes encourage families to two way communication. They teach baby signing through catchy music, songs, well known nursery rhymes and lots of fun interaction with musical instruments, props and Jessie Cat who is our mascot.

    You will soon start using signs to reduce frustration and encourage early communication with your baby. Once you get into it you will see how easy it is and oh so rewarding! I promise, you will never look back!

    Babies naturally use gestures and sounds to communicate with their parents from an early stage. You might already recognise some of them, such as pointing, shaking their head, clapping hands and waving hello or bye-bye. These are all natural first signs. Introducing extra gestures to your baby such as milk, more, nappy change and tired can help your baby to communicate even more with you before they start to speak. This will reduce frustration and is wonderfully rewarding and fantastic fun for both parent and baby.

    At class we sing and sign about what goes on in a baby’s world. Each week we cover a different topic such as eating, bath time and nappy changes, going out to play, hiding games, bedtime and lots more. There is a high standard of educational content but classes are delivered in a relaxing, enjoyable and unpressured way for you and your baby to learn.

    There is no pressure to keep your babies still; they can enjoy the songs, music and making friends whilst you learn the signs. The class runs for about an hour. We sing and sign for around 45 minutes then there is time for play whilst parents can chat. 

    Babes is ideal for our youngest customer from birth to 5 months (maximum age 7 months at the end of term, non crawling babies only but rolling over and sitting is fine). 

    The aim of this programme is to build the exceptionally important framework for good communication through our magic ingredient...MUSIC! It is also a fantastic way to bond with your baby in a relaxed, friendly environment and other new mums. 

    The classes will incorporate sensory stimulation along with our Sing and Sign staple ingredients you may already be familiar with- repetition, anticipation, praise and, of course Jessie Cat; as well as some basic signing. This formal has been specifically designed for younger babies who are not yet crawling (rolling over or sitting is fine).

    Stage 1 is ideal for babies from 6 months old up to around 18 months old and their parent / carer.  Themes include basic signs, nappies & bath time, emotions & bedtime.  You'll learn over 100 signs related to your routines and also the sort of things your baby may be interested in, such as animals and vehicles.  It's no problem coming straight to Stage 1 without doing Babes first (in fact, most people start Sing and Sign at Stage 1).

    It is recommended that you and your baby attend two terms of Stage 1 classes in order to consolidate and learn a total of 120 signs. Babies learn through repetition so attending two terms helps you to establish good signing habits as well as letting you learn the lyrics of the songs written especially for the Sing and Sign programme. The choice to book a second term is entirely yours.

    At the beginning of your course, you will be set up with a year's subscription to Sing and Sign's Jessie Cat Club which enables you to access the following online resources:
    • 200+ signs to view in video clips
    • Two 15-minute films directly supporting our Stage One curriculum, one covering songs and signs from weeks 1-5 and one covering weeks 6-10
    • A print-out facility so you can share your baby’s favourite signs with family/nursery
    • Our classic ‘Sing and Sign - Baby Signing the Fun Way’ (DVD streamed)
    • 2 interactive "Where is Jessie?" games
    • For the duration of the Term you will also be able to enjoy our @Home programme, which means you can watch a variety of teachers deliver each week's class.  You will be able to watch each class as many times as you like during that week, at any time of day or night!

    We cover a different class theme each week. You can re-enrol for subsequent terms and many people do, as the babies' participation and your own learning develop over time.  Completing each level twice is recommended.

    Stage 2- If you've enjoyed Stage 1 and want to continue, you'll be ready to join More Sing and Sign- Stage 2. Classes are most appropriate for babies who have attended at least one term of Stage 1, and who will be around 13/14months+ at the start of term, however newcomers are welcome, please contact me if you are unsure). Stage 2  offers a more mobile, physical class with another two curriculums of additional songs, signs and actions for older babies and toddlers. This stage includes teaching colours, letters of the alphabet, opposites, good manners and much more besides. 

    Signing up to Stage two comes with an upgrade to Premium Membership! This includes:
    • More Sing and Sign Stage Two (video film)
    • Have a Sing and Sign Xmas video
    • Stage Two video clip signs
    • Jessie and friends’ interactive game

    How Many People Attend Sing and Sign Classes?
    Class sizes are limited to 12 babies with their parent/carer. If you want to bring more than 1 adult per child please check with me first to see if there is space. This is normally no problem and it's always lovely to meet the other parent, grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends. 

    I Have Twins / Triplets - How Many Places Do I Pay For?
    Twins/Triplets are welcome and only pay for one place.  

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