
Sing and Sign baby signing classes in... Chamonix

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  • About Me

    A bit about Harriet


    I started going to lessons with Sing and Sign in the UK with my first-born in 2017. It was a wonderful little haven, a special time when it felt like we were both learning and I was able to really see and appreciate his little point of view of the world: What interested him, exchanging observations, and anyone who looked after him - even those skeptical at first – found such relief and joy in being able to answer to his needs and put an end to frustrations and upsets using some signs ! One relative was overjoyed to able to have an hour long enthusiastic ‘conversation’ about the life of a bird and a mouse before he was verbal. Later he was able to use the same skill set with his younger sibling: a wonderful thing to watch their relationship blossom independantly of our interventions. This signing skillset is as much a social tool as it is practical!

    I am keen to get as many families signing with their babies as possible, to bring together communities of people who seek to connect and enjoy the personal interactions that this skill can unlock! It is a privilege to spend time regularly with new families as they embark upon their parenting journey with their new little one. I am passionate and thrilled to be able to help families learn this two-way communication method for building those new relationships, enabling babies and carers alike; a life-long skill and a great beginning to all, especially our new little people!


    J'ai commencé à prendre des cours avec Sing and Sign au Royaume-Uni avec mon premier enfant en 2017. C'était un petit havre merveilleux, un moment spécial où nous avions l'impression d'apprendre tous les deux et où j'ai pu vraiment voir et apprécier son petit point de vue sur le monde - ce qui l'intéressait, échanger des observations, et tous ceux qui s'occupaient de lui - même ceux qui étaient sceptiques au début - ont trouvé un tel soulagement et une telle joie dans le fait de pouvoir répondre à ses besoins et de mettre fin aux frustrations et aux contrariétés en utilisant les signes ! Un membre de la famille a été ravi de pouvoir avoir une "conversation" enthousiaste d'une heure sur la vie d'un oiseau et d'une souris avant qu'il ne devienne verbal. Plus tard, il a été en mesure d'utiliser le même ensemble de compétences avec son jeune frère: c’était merveilleux de voir leur relation s'épanouir indépendamment de nos interventions. Cet compétence en capacité de signer est autant un outil social qu'un outil pratique !

    Je suis donc motivée pour apprendre aux plus de familles possibles à signer avec leurs bébés, pour rassembler des communautés de personnes qui cherchent à se connecter et à apprécier les interactions personnelles que cet ensemble de compétences peut débloquer ! C'est un privilège de passer régulièrement du temps avec de nouvelles familles qui se lancent dans leur aventure parentale avec leur nouveau petit. Je suis passionnée et ravie de pouvoir aider les familles à apprendre cet méthode de communication à double sens pour construire ces nouvelles relations, permettant aux bébés et aux personnes qui s'en occupent d'acquérir des compétences tout au long de leur vie et de prendre un bon départ surtout pour nos petits gens!

  • More Info


    With Sing and Sign Chamonix, the classes are so much more than just learning a bunch of signs and songs every week! You will learn the signs put in a parenting context whilst coming together with other signing parents to open your little one’s world up to the possibilities to connect and communicate with everyone around them, young and old! With each weekly session, the class lasts approximately 45 minutes. Allowing for 5 minutes to get settled in at the beginning and some time at the end for the little ones to play and adults to ask any questions, have a brew and chat.

    In these classes, you will have an experience of learning through music, lyrics and fun: the very best way for wiring YOUR brain as much as entertaining your baby. You will gain a fantastic insight into the best communication skills and tools for you both to develop a wonderful relationship with each other. Your baby will develop a skill for life that carries over into later education, understanding different channels of communication and enhancing a growth mindset towards tackling communication barriers.

    C’est pour les français aussi, et toutes autres nationalités!

    Avec Sing and Sign Chamonix, les cours sont bien plus que l'apprentissage d'un tas de signes et de chansons chaque semaine ! Vous apprendrez les signes mises en contexte parental tout en vous réunissant avec d'autres parents d’esprits similaires pour ouvrir le monde de votre petit aux possibilités de se connecter et de communiquer avec tous ceux qui l'entourent, petits et grands! Chaque séance d’une heure contient un leçon qui dure environ 45 minutes. Il faut compter 5 minutes pour s'installer au début et un peu de temps à la fin pour que les petits jouent et que les adultes posent des questions et discutent.

    Pendant ces cours, vous ferez l'expérience d'apprendre en vous amusant : la meilleure façon de récompenser VOTRE cerveau tout en amusant votre bébé, sans kit supplémentaire : Il n'y a que besoin de vous et votre enfant. Vous aurez un aperçu fantastique des meilleures techniques de communication et des outils qui vous permettront à tous les deux de développer une relation profonde l'un avec l'autre. Votre bébé développera une compétence pour la vie qui lui servira plus tard dans son éducation, en comprenant les différents moyens de communication et en développant un état d'esprit de croissance pour s'attaquer aux barrières de la communication.


    Contacter Harriet pour tous les informations en français

    Please still select stage 1 for babies over 12 months old.

    CONTACT HARRIET for advice on which session . 

    What should I expect?
    Sing and Sign classes cover all the basic signs you need in your day-to-day life with your baby. The signs are taught through songs, rhymes and music, but also toys, props and pictures are used to inspire your baby's interest and illustrate the signs. Classes are relaxed and meant to be good fun for everyone.
    Babies soon enjoy the familiarity of routine built into the lesson structure and are free to roam and enjoy as they like!

    Great for multilingual families, those wanting to introduce English to their babies or learn alongside their babies and for creating multilingual communities!
    Baby signing is a very helpful tool for multilingual families! In our unique international setting, there is a wonderful opportunity to bridge the divide of language-understanding right from the get-go with our babies growing up in such a multi-linguistic culture. I do classes purely in English, or bilingual if needed (explanations, chat and fun in French, keeping the song lyrics in English). The signs stays the same regardless of which language you speak with your baby, and in this way the signs act as a "link" between the two (or more) languages. They are a clear, visual way of showing your baby that two different words can have the same meaning, and in this gentle way you help your baby understand the languages more quickly. It is a fantastic communication skill set that your baby can take with them to another carer or care-setting, so that you can feel happy in the knowledge that your baby has the ability to make their needs and desires understood.

    Which Stage Class should I Attend?
    Sing and Sign Chamonix currently offers 2 different "stages" of Sing and Sign, which have been developed specifically for your baby's developmental level:

    Sing and Sign BABES classes are for around 4 weeks to 6 months old  with their parent / carer.
    This gentle class explores themes such as eye contact, gesture and anticipation together with lots of cuddles, tickles and some simple signs.
    This will all build the framework for good communication and bring to you using our magic ingredient – music! It will set a fantastic foundation of understanding and practice which, should you continue into stage 1, will prove really beneficial. You will both (metaphorically speaking) hit the ground running!

    Babes course available this Summer 2024 starting April 30th.

    Sing and Sign Stage 1 is ideal for babies from 6 months old up to around 14 months old with their parent / carer. Themes include basic signs, nappies & bath time, emotions & bedtime. You'll learn over 100 signs related to your routines and also the sort of things your baby may be interested in, such as animals and vehicles.
    It is quite a big step from Stage 1 to Stage 2, so most families attend Stage 1 for two terms before attending Stage 2. However, this is also dependent on your baby's age and progress. 
    Some people don't hear about Sing and Sign until their little ones are 14+ months old and then wonder if it too late to start. Not at all! Stage 2 course will become available in Chamonix in the near future: Until then, if you e-mail me we can have a chat about your individual circumstances. (I have previously put together a class for older babies, and a bit more -adapted to their more advanced-abilities.)
    How Long Do Classes Run For?
    Babes classes run for a 5 week course for about 30 to 40 minutes of material - they are very relaxed. DO come if your baby is asleep - you will still be able to learn lots to take home and use with your baby.
    Stage 1 classes are over 10 weeks and run for about 45 minutes, with a little time either side to keep it relaxed!

    They run in line with the National French school term times for our postal area; 74400.

    How Many People Attend Sing and Sign Classes?
    I need to allow space in classes for comfortable participation so, apart from on special occasions, I have to limit places to ONE ADULT PER INFANT.
    For special occasions, you MUST check with
    Harriet Smith if you wish to bring a special visitor so that she can manage numbers in the  space left for class to take place!

    I Have An Older Child - Can They Come Too?
    The time dedicated in class is specific to the little one and their parent/carer; a special set time for you both to learn together. Older siblings over 2 years can be quite dominating over the little ones for whom these classes are intended. You are very much encouraged to get the whole family involved outside of class, especially with the help of the online resources made available with the course: singing and signing will become an integral part of family life!

    I Have Twins - How Many Places Do I Pay For?
    Twins are welcome and only pay for one place if there is only one adult.
    If you bring Dad / Granny or another adult helper each week, you will need to book and pay for 2 places, as space is limited.

    How Much Does It Cost?
    BABES: in-person classes once a week for 5 weeks for 75€ total

    Stage 1: in person classes once a week for 10 weeks for 130€ total

    If in-person lessons are missed they can not be caught up: If you book a course part-way through you are booking a place for the remaining in-person classes, and will only be charged for those. These are not separate sessions that can be selected: this is a fully structured course.

    FOR STAGE 1: To ensure that you and your family have access here abroad to materials that support your learning experience outside of class: With each Stage 1 course booked, you will receive access to the online classes via the GOLD ONLINE MEMBERSHIP to the Jessie Cat Club (I ensure that your membership is still valid with each booking, and include the membership if you have not got one already or if it expires during the course). You will have access to the 250+ video clips of signs, personalised print-out signing dictionary, films and Jessie Cat interactive hiding games to view at your leisure!
    Access to the online package of separate videos of each week's themed class to view online is available only during that booked term.

    If unable to attend any in-person classes:
    Stand alone Gold membership and recorded classes to be seen at home (@ home) during term - 60€

    What if I miss a class?
    Many people miss one or two weeks because of illness / holidays / work etc. and they soon catch up as the classes are purposefully repetitive to help you remember the songs and the signs (and babies love routine too). I also send you email hand-outs to complement the classes AND you can always check out the online material and recorded lessons made available to you as part of this over-seas package.

    Can I Attend A Session as a Taster?
    I will be setting up taster sessions, which will be advertised on the Facebook page (see in contacts above), various Facebook pages, as posters in the shops and sign boards.

    They can be booked via the "BOOK NOW" tab above.
  • Nurseries

    If you know of a Maternelle, Garderie or crèche  whose staff and infants could benefit from the Sing and Sign programme being implemented through our training program, do recommend this service to them and let Harriet know (see contact info).

    Si vous connaissez une Maternelle, une Garderie ou une crèche dont le personnel et les enfants pourraient bénéficier du programme "Chanter et signer" mis en place dans le cadre de notre programme de formation, recommandez-leur ce service et faites-le savoir à Harriet (voir coordonnées).

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Just a few of the awards and honours Sing and Sign has received

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