Sing and Sign baby signing classes in... Hitchin & Letchworth
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About Me
Welcome to Sing and Sign, North Herts
Spring 2025 Timetable
Hi, I’m Suzi and I run Sing and Sign classes for North Hertfordshire.
I am mummy to two children and went to Sing and Sign classes with both of them. I first heard about Sing and Sign before I even had children through a friend who went with her daughter and the benefits were so obvious. When my daughter came along, I looked up my local class and didn’t look back.
The songs are fun, it’s so easy to pick up the signs – I really surprised myself. Both the girls loved the music and the classes were really fun! My eldest signed ‘finished’ at the start of the second Stage One term and once she started signing you couldn’t stop her! She then became a mini sing and sign teacher herself when our youngest came along! By then it was truly embedded in the family and we didn’t have to think about signing, it was just what we did. It was so rewarding for me to see them signing but even more importantly I felt like I’d given them both this incredible gift – a tool to aid their communication before they could talk! They could tell me what they wanted, what they had seen, how they felt. We shared such excitement in those early days as they could express themselves in a way I understood and could react to. In a world full of mum guilt, it made me feel like I was getting something right.
I am very happy to have joined the Sing and Sign family and be teaching it in North Hertfordshire.
For more information, you can contact me on
I hope to see you in class soon,
Love Suzi and Jessie Cat xx
Find me on Facebook and Instagram
More Info
Sing and Sign Classes
Which Class Should I Attend?
Sing and Sign Babes is suitable for babies from birth, up to 6 months (at the start of term). Babes is a gentle music and sensory class with a strong emphasis on parent/child communication. We concentrate on the essentials such as eye contact, repetition and anticipation, and of course some signs, even at this very young age.
Sing and Sign Stage 1 is ideal for babies from 6 months old up to around 16 months old and their parent/carer. Themes include basic signs, nappies & bath time, emotions & bedtime. You'll learn over 100 signs related to your routines and also the sort of things your baby may be interested in, such as animals and vehicles.
It is quite a big step from Stage 1 to Stage 2, so many people come to Stage 1 for two terms before attending Stage 2. However, this is also dependent on your baby's age.
Stage 2 is ideal for babies who have attended Stage 1 before and are aged 14m+
We tend to run our Sing and Sign Babes classes as a shorter term of 5 weeks, and these classes are suitable form birth (although I would recommend from 8 weeks) up to 6 months. You can register your interest in a Babes class on the right (click BOOK NOW) with no obligation at all. You will be notified first if we have spaces available in our forthcoming class.
How Long Do Classes Run For? 10-week Stage 1 and Stage 2 classes run for approximately 40-45 minutes of signing fun.
What Happens in Class? Classes are very relaxed and good fun! We have reduced our class sizes to allow for social distancing and depending on the size of the venue we have up to 8 per class. We use instruments, songs, music to engage your little one and demonstrate our core signs. Whilst we are running COVID secure classes, we will not be sharing any instruments or props and we do ask you to bring along your own so as to reduce the risks.
I Have Twins / Triplets - How Many Places Do I Pay For? Twins/Triplets are welcome, and you only pay for one place. I do have to limit the number of free places per class though, so get in touch and see if there are free places remaining. Whilst we are operating COVID secure classes, we aren’t able to accommodate an additional adult I'm afraid without an additional fee being paid due to limited numbers to allow for social distancing.
What does it cost?
A term of Sing and Sign Babes (5 weeks) costs from £36.50. This includes:
- 5 venue based classes, each looking at a different theme
Optional Extra - £15 Babes Resource Package
- Jessie Cat Songbook, which comes with a CD for you to continue the fun at home with your baby
- Online Babes Membership - you'll have access to online lessons at home, our Babes music and a wealth of other resources
A term of Stage 1 or Stage 2 classes costs from £85. This includes:
- 10 venue based classes, each looking at a new theme
- Access to our award-winning online @HOME programme for 10 weeks – where you can watch our pre-recorded classes at any time to suit your baby’s or your work routine AND watch as any times as you like each week!!
- GOLD membership to the Jessie Cat Club (or an upgrade to Premium if you sign up for St 2 and already have Gold membership). This is home to our many online resources including our signing dictionary, more video content, our Award-Wining DVD “Time to Sing and Time to Sign”, games and lots more!
I am unable to attend for a couple of weeks, do I still have the pay for the whole term?
In a word yes! Sing and Sign classes operate as a course not a drop-in and your place is guaranteed each week. Many people miss one or two weeks because of illness/holidays etc and they soon catch up as our classes are purposefully repetitive to help you remember the songs and the signs (and babies love routine too).
In addition, we now have our wonderful online @HOME lessons to enable you to keep up with the themes of the week
However, I do understand that circumstances change so if for any reason, you find you are unable to come along at all, please let me know ASAP so I can open the place up to someone else and offer you a refund.
Can I Attend A Taster?
YES, Please get in touch to find out when the next trial session is available. I usually run introductory / taster sessions at the start and end of term. Please do get in touch to find out when the next one is.
How Do I Enrol? Booking is now open for next term. Use the ‘Book Now’ button on the top right hand side of this page.
For those of you are back to work, or would like to continue (or start) your Sing and Sign journey from the comfort of your own home, we also have our @HOME programme running, starting Monday 13th Jan 2025.
What are the @HOME classes?S&S@HOME is available for Stage 1 or Stage 2 and includes 10 structured, 30 minute, age appropriate classes for you to enjoy over a 10 week period starting Mon 13th January (with a break at half term). Each lesson covers a theme and you will gradually build up your signing knowledgeSing and Sign @HOME is not 'live'. Meaning you can stream the class any time of the day, as many times as you like for a whole week. Each lesson is ONLY available for that week. So, for example you can't watch Lesson 2 if you're in Week 7, but you can watch Lesson 7 as many times as you like - but only in Week 7 ;o)S&S@Home is something for you to DO with your child - not just a film to watch on screen. Get down on the living room floor and ENJOY quality time, music and fun together!So what do you need to do to take part?- Book onto the course here (Click BOOK NOW button to the right)
- Access will be through the Sing and Sign Website. You can watch on phone, laptop or tablet and cast to your Smart TV
- You'll need a musical instrument for you and your baby (or some pasta / lentils in a small plastic bottle / container to make a fabulous shaker)
- Get the whole family involved if you want! Older siblings LOVE joining in!
- Simple as that!
The 10 week course is open now to new, existing and previous customers.What does it cost? The cost is £50 for either the Stage 1 or the Stage 2 course. This now includes GOLD Membership to our Jessie Cat Club (or PREMIUM for Stage 2 customers), which is home to all our other online resources including our Award-Winning DVD content, more video clips, out online signing dictionary with over 200 signs and some games! That works out at just £5 a week for a 30 minute class you can re-watch as many times as you like for a week AND access to the Jessie Cat Club!How Do I Book? Booking is now open for next term. Visit here to book: Sing and Sign North Herts | Instagram, Facebook | Linktree -
Local nurseries who have signed up to be Sing and Sign Affiliates
Toad Hall Children's Nursery, Glover House, 23-25 Bury Mead Rd, Hitchin
Highbury Lodge Day Nursery, 11 Highbury Road, Hitchin
Kiddi Caru Day Nursery and Preschool - 117 Grove Road, Hitchin
Hitchin House Day Nursery - 41 Wilbury Way, Hitchin
Seabrook Day Nursery - 32 Lewsey Road, Luton -
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