
Sing and Sign baby signing classes in... Greenwich & Lewisham

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    Greenwich & Lewisham INFORMATION

    Welcome to Sing and Sign classes in Greenwich & Lewisham

    Summer Term classes now open!


    Babes - 0 - 6 months

    Stage 1 - 6 months to 14 months

    Stage 2  - over 14 mths up to 2.5 yrs 

    Term Dates:      

    Stage 1 & 2 - 10 weeks from 28th April to 11th July with a 1 week half term (week beginning 26th May)

    Stage 1 and Stage 2 Classes@Home

    We now have this amazing extra resource to enjoy all week on top of your venue visit! So if you are ill or on holiday, you can continue to enjoy and learn with your baby. 

    10 structured classes of around 30 minutes in length, to enjoy whenever you like for seven days.

    1. Each MONDAY a new class appears (and the previous one disappears)
    2. Intended for you to DO with your child. We want you to get down on your living room rug with your baby and really get into the class spirit!
    3. GOLD membership to the Jessie Cat Club included as standard, which includes:

    1. - Lessons 1-10

    2. - Dictionary - 250+ signs to view in video clip
    1. -  Two 15-minute films directly supporting our Stage One curriculum
    1. -  A print-out vocabulary facility for your baby’s favourite signs.
    1. -  Our classic ‘Sing and Sign - Baby Signing the Fun Way’ (2001 DVD streamed).
    1. - 2 interactive games

    • ABOUT ME

    • I discovered the beauty of Sing and Sign after reading about it and then starting classes with my now 6 year old daughter back in 2016. Aside from me and my daughter absolutely loving the classes, what it taught us both was invaluable. Giving her the capacity to tell me what she wanted, how she was feeling and to talk about animals to me (her absolute passion!) but with her hands, was magical. Enabling me to actually understand what she was trying to tell me before she could utter a word was an incredible and hugely helpful experience and one I wanted to continue, hence why I became a teacher as soon as I possibly could and now run 13 classes a week!

  • More Info

    What can I expect from Greenwich, Lewisham, classes


    Our classes are open to a maximum of 11/12 babies per class, at our discretion.  Classes are approximately 45 minutes long, although you need to allow for it to be up to an hour for a relaxing  (but prompt!) start and finish to the class. We don't chuck you out immediately!   Terms last for 10/11 classes and start in January, April/May and September.  


    The cost for the term for both stage 1 & 2 will be £120 this includes 'gold' or 'premium' membership.  The cost for twins is first child full price, second child half and only one membership is required so cost for twins would be £160 .  We don’t offer refunds for missed classes or for going on holiday half way through the term.


    Our classes follow the same structure every week, which is something that the babies soon learn to recognise and respond to very positively. It helps them enormously to know/anticipate what's going to happen next.  We introduce new signs each week and we then "spiral learn", so that signs and songs are repeated throughout the term so that you have a fair crack at learning all the songs and signs you wish to.  Our classes include an Introductory Song, A Warm Up session, Signs of the Week, a puppet (from Week 3 onwards), instruments, More Signs (including a recap of previous signs learnt) and a Toy Bag, closing with our "Time to go home" song.  Babies (and sometimes parents and carers!) usually take 2-3 weeks to become familiar with the class structure and the teacher, after which they become increasingly confident and interactive as they learn what to expect. We don't accept new enrolments after week 3 of the term, because the groups have settled and found their unique vibe and the new families often feel like they've missed too many classes and always feel like the "new girls". It's really great fun and we spend time each week individually with you and your baby and making absolutely sure that every baby is involved in the class. 


    All of our teachers are passionate about baby signing and are very experienced baby signing mummies. We are also passionate about getting to know the families who choose to attend our classes. We all feel it's a privilege for us to get to know so many lovely babies and toddlers (without having to be their mums!).  That's why we have such a high return/renewal rate 


    Yes!  If you have a friend/s with a baby, who may be interested in attending our classes, please ask them to book direct.  Places are only available only by booking in advance, not just turning up on the day. 

  • Nurseries

    Sing and Sign working within a Nursery

    We currently are working with Smartinees Nursery in Greenwich.

    As a project the staff wished that we taught regular classes on a fortnightly basic within their baby room.

    The age range is from 8 months to around 17/18 months which is quite a range but we have been able to adapt our curriculum to suit the group.

    The benefits have been enormous as the staff are now using the signs to help mainly with babies with English as a second language with their routine and settlement into the nursery as well as having fun with the songs.

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