Sing and Sign baby signing classes in... Lewes, Uckfield, Heathfield, Ringmer, Haywards Heath, Peacehaven
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About Me
Hello from Lewes, Uckfield, Heathfield, Ringmer, Haywards Heath, Burgess Hill & Peacehaven!
CLICK HERE to book your baby a place for the term.... don't miss out as spaces are limited!
Hello! My name is Jane and I have been teaching Sing and Sign for 16 years. It is the BEST job I have EVER had and I can't wait to bounce out of bed in the mornings to get to class.
I am very proud, and extremely honoured, to have helped thousands of grown ups with pre-verbal little ones communicate with each other. It still gives me goosebumps to hear of a parent / carers signing experience and, better still, for me to witness a baby signing in class.
I started out teaching in Brighton, the 'birthplace' of Sign and Sign. I cover a wide area and I am currently running my own classes in Lewes, Uckfield, Burgess Hill, Bolnore Village & Haywards Heath.
I have been a teacher for 16 years and I STILL LOVE IT!
I first learnt about Sing and Sign, in 2005, when I was pregnant with my daughter. I was super keen to enrol and, when she was nearly six months old, we attended our first class.
It was clear, from the very start, that this would be an invaluable resource and enable us to understand eachother without any of the usual frustration that you hear about when trying to communicate with babies and toddlers.
My daughter quickly picked up the signs; in fact, when she first started signing, she demonstrated five signs in one week! Suffice to say, I was blown away (and a very proud mummy too!).
I also have a son and he started speaking in full three and four word sentences by the time he was 18 months - all thanks to Sing and Sign. I thought my daughter was good at signing with me but my son was prolific and, even now, they still love to watch the DVDs (especially the Christmas one for my daughter, as she is in it!) They also love listening to the CDs on long car journeys and sing along with all the songs.
I am really excited to be sharing the joys of Sing and Sign with the parents and carers of mid-Sussex and I look forward to welcoming you into one of my fun classes soon!
Jane x
CLICK HERE to book your baby a place for the term.
More Info
About our classes
CLICK HERE to book your baby a place.
If there are no classes displayed in a particular venue/ town this is because the class is full and has been closed or I do not have enough participants to offer a class in that location.
Classes are very relaxed and great fun!
We keep class sizes small (12) so you and your baby can enjoy the social aspect of class, whilst it still being an intimate environment in which to learn.
Rooms are booked for an hour per class to allow you to chat with other parents before/ after class. We Sing and Sign for approximately 45-50 mins (40 mins for our Babes class)
Sing and Sign operates a BOGOF policy for twins! (Buy One Get One Free - not your twin, just the place!)
Please note: Only one adult is permitted per set of twins. If you wish to bring a helper you must purchase 2 class spaces.Older siblings (3+ years) are welcome to come along to the 'occasional' session (Stage 1 & Stage 2 classes only) please ask me first, to ensure we can accommodate you. A trial session may be suggested first.
Full payment is required at the time of booking via Stripe - spaces cannot be reserved without payment I am afraid.
Below is a short 10 minute video preview of what to expect from our award-winning @Home programme:
We have 3 different 'stages', (depending on your baby's age), for you to choose from. A description of each 'stage' is listed below:
* Sing and Sign Babes
This class is suitable for our very youngest customer from birth to 5 months (maximum age 7 months at the end of term, non-crawling babies only but rolling over and sitting up is fine).
The aim of this programme is to build the exceptionally important framework for good communication through our magic ingredient... MUSIC! It is also a fantastic way to bond with your new baby in a relaxed, friendly environment and meet other new mums.The classes will incorporate sensory stimulation along with our Sing and Sign staple ingredients you may already be familiar with - repetition, anticipation, praise and, of course Jessie Cat; as well as some basic signing. This format has been specifically designed for younger babies who are pre-Stage 1. It is only suitable for babies who are not yet crawling (rolling over or sitting up is fine).
* Sing and Sign Stage 1
This class is suitable for babies from 6 - 14 months.
During the term, you will learn, in excess of, 100+ signs that will help you with your day to day routines and beyond. We cover topics such as meal times, going out, bath time, nappy changing and bed time.
We recommend you attend two terms of Stage 1 before moving on to Stage 2.
We know babies don't like to sit still, so we don't expect them to!
They are welcome to roam around the room, and explore, if they want to - they will still be learning (you'd be surprised how much they take in whilst wandering!) When Jessie Cat, the instruments or the prop bag appears they soon come back!
We learn all the signs through our easy to remember action-songs. Don't worry if you can't sing ... you don't have to!
At the end of your first week of term, you will receive a batch of weekly handouts via email. These handouts recap everything we have covered in class plus further info that will help you with using the signs at home.
* Sing and Sign Stage 2
This class is suitable for toddlers aged 14 - 24 months.
If you haven't attended Stage 1 classes, don't worry, Stage 2 is still incredibly worthwhile and your baby is definitely not too old to pick up the signs! Signing can greatly help lessen frustration in the 'terrible twos' if they can at least express some of their needs/feelings – not withstanding the fact that the classes are so much fun!
During the term, we will recap on all the basics covered in the Stage 1 classes, but we will also learn another 100+ more complex signs and concepts such as - the colours of the rainbow, weather signs, simple counting, learning how to be helpful, the phonetic alphabet and even a fun song to start your baby on the right track for potty training!
By now your little one may be starting to toddle (if not run!) - this is where the fun really begins as it’s their opportunity to move around, with the music, and become an extremely active participant in class.
CLICK HERE to book your baby a place... don't miss out as spaces are limited!
* Sing and Sign Babes
The term will run for 10/11 weeks or in blocks of 5/6 weeks if we add on a class after half term.
Your may choose to purchase our additonal home learning resources to help you learn at home. The cost is £15 and includes a copy of our Jessie Cat Songbook with a FREE CD.Plus access to our brand new Babes Online Membership offering you advice and tips from teachers and our consultant Speech & Language Therapist on how best to perform the songs and rhymes with your baby to make the most of things that are important to them e.g. eye contact, anticipation, gesture etc.
The Songbook perfectly accompanies this class and enables you to learn the songs and little chants at home.
There is also additional FREE music which you will be able to stream via your Membership to enable you to have your own mini Sing and Sign session with your family, to show them what you have been learning in class!
* Stage 1 and Stage 2
To benefit fully from our classes, we book you in for a full term of 10/11 weeks. I am afraid we do not offer drop in sessions.
Each week, we cover a new topic and cumulatively build on the previous week (whilst re-capping too).
Included in the price is:-
~ FREE Online Membership to the Jessie Cat Club with our platinum award winning Stage 1 film, week by week lesson plans with suggested songs to help you remember the signs of the week, a vocabulary of 260+ video clip signs, a print out facility for your favourite signs and also 2 interactive Jessie Cat peek-a-boo games.
~ FREE access to our award winning @ Home programme with 10 weekly themed films featuring lots of songs and signs performed by different franchisees all across the UK and international franchise areas.
The Online Membership is your course material and is included with your first term of Stage 1/Stage 2.
Please try to watch the films as often as you can with your baby; we have evidence to prove customers who use the course material regularly at home pick up the signs more quickly and start using them more consistently too. This, in turn, means that your baby will do the same! It also allows other people who have childcare responsibilities for your baby, to learn the signs too.ADDITIONAL BENEFITS
* Gold/ Premium Online Membership
This gives you access to lesson plans, numerous films, a printable signing dictionary with over 260+ signs and two interactive Jessie Cat peek-a-boo games to play with your baby.* A WhatsApp group for each class
You can contact me easily and quickly and vice versa. This is also a great platform for you to connect with other parents, specifically with babies of a similar age to your own and arrange mert ups outside of class.
CLICK HERE to book your baby a place for the term.
Linktree for all social media and further info
A charge is payable (the cost of one class - £10) for a no-obligation taster session.
These are only available in classes where spaces remain on week's 1-4 of the term.
Please call me on 07958 539903 to discuss coming along.
JESSIE CAT BIRTHDAY PARTIES!At Sing and Sign we know that celebrating your baby's birthday needs to be a memorable occasion!
We offer a fabulous 1 hour party, for a maximum of 15 children, to help you celebrate your baby's 1st or 2nd birthday! Your party will include:
* all your baby's favourite songs - farm, jungle or zoo themed.
* an instrument section
* Jessie Cat playing peek-a-boo and delivering a special card to the birthday boy/girl
* more songs with soft toys from the props bag
* pass the parcel with your choice of Jessie Cat lift-the-flap book as the main present (every child gets a small gift in the layers e.g. a box of raisins/ balloon/ bubbles etc.)
* a story
* dancing with bubbles at the end to a child friendly song
If you would like more information, please contact your local Sing and Sign franchisee for cost and availability.
In accordance with the new General Data Protection Register, Sing and Sign will never use your personal information without your consent or sell data to a third party.
Click on the following link for our Privacy Policy
If you would like to 'unsubscribe' from correspondence, please email: with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line.
PLEASE NOTE: Current customers details need to be kept active so we are able to send you information about class and also, should the need arise, contact you if we have to cancel/ postpone class for any reason.
SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCESIn the extreme event of a disruption to class schedule due to unforeseen circumstances (such as a global pandemic) we wish to ensure your baby doesn't miss out.
Consequently, we have worked hard to build a 'Sing and Sign at Home' streamed class resource, so you can book your place on a course in the knowledge that any unwelcome disruption to the schedule will not disadvantage and deprive your baby of their fun and their learning.
Parents are to STRICTLY observe guidelines on infectious diseases such as coronavirus, flu, Ebola, etc..
FOOTNOTE* Sing and Sign is widely recommended by Speech & Language professionals.
* It is also used in many nurseries and schools across the UK.
* We are not affiliated with any other sign language. The signs we use are designed to be used with speech and based on the signs of British Sign Language (BSL).
* Our max is 12 families per class (one adult per baby)
Health & safety regulations and insurance policy quotas only allow additional adult visitors to come to occasional classes, not every session I am afraid. Allocation will be done fairly to ensure everyone has the opportunity to invite a guest at least once per term, if you so wish. Please let me know in advance so I can make a note on the register.* Siblings must be over 3+ years of age to come along for a visit and remain your responsibility at all times. Although we will try to involve your older child as much as we can, the class is for their baby brother/ sister. Please pre-warn them that they are expected to sit nicely throughout the class.
* Room sizes are deliberately small, to hold the babies' attention.
If you have any further questions about the course or Sing and Sign, please do not hesitate to email or call me. I would be happy to speak with you!
We have a wonderful Nursery Affiliation Programme...
- Ripe Nursery School, Ripe
- Perfect Start, Bolnore Village
- Kiddi Caru, Burgess Hill
- Pebbles Day Care, Newhaven
If your baby attends a nursery setting whom you think may be interested in having a chat with me about becoming affiliated to Sing and Sign, please do let me know and I will contact them; they benefit from being able to use their very own portion of our website and sing our copywrite songs in their setting too for a whole year of membership!
Aside from that, it is great kudos to display the Sing and Sign certificate in their building for all to see.