Jessie Cat is running the Race for Life!

Hello everyone!
Each year all S&S classes across the country try to do our bit for a chosen charity. This year, again Jessie Cat herself would like to invite you to help her raise money for her own choice of charity, Cancer Research UK. If Jessie does anywhere near as well as she did last year (over £5K!) it will be wonderful!
How will we all be raising money this year?
Jessie Cat herself will be taking part in Brighton's Race for Life on July 6th! Some may think 5K is not an especially challenging distance, but it is when you only have little paws and your incumbent passenger is a 52 -year old person who until Race for Life came along had not even run for as much as a bus in the previous 35 years! Jessie is currently training hard again … and is dragging Sasha Felix along with her!
You can show your support for Jessie in the following ways:
Come to your usual class between 20th -26th June wearing red or pink! It would be great if grown-ups could join in too!
Sponsor Jessie for her race–make a donation at class and I’ll add your name to the Edinburgh sponsorship form. (Any size of donation is welcome, every penny counts!)
Spread the word about Jessie’s Race for Life amongst your friends and family to raise awareness of the cause. If you feel comfortable doing so, invite them to sponsor her too! Donations can be made directly to Jessie’s Just Giving page:
Why Cancer Research UK?
Cancer Research UK has been chosen again for the following reason … there is no escaping the fact that our own children as they grow up and their children in the future all face the possibility of cancer in its various forms. Great strides are being made thanks in part to charities like this in funding the research necessary to ensure cancer has as little effect on their future as can be achieved. This is, to coin a much used phrase, ‘a worthy cause’ and an investment for our children’s future.
The trigger for Jessie Cat's involvement with this charity was that she lost a dear little friend called Jasmine, a staunch S&S fan. Jessie raised over £4K for Cancer Research UK in her memory. A handful of our own lovely franchisees and teachers have undergone treatment for cancer in the last few years and we are desperately sad to say currently for two S&S teachers treatment is no longer an option. This charity, I’m sure you’ll agree it is a good choice.
I hope that these will be fun classes and great way to show our support for Jessie’s efforts!