
Sing and Sign baby signing classes in... Reigate, Redhill, Oxted & Godstone

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    Welcome to the home page for Redhill, Reigate, Godstone and Oxted Sing and Sign

    Thank you for your interest in Sing and Sign...

    Sing and Sign helps you communicate with your baby whilst their speech develops. Our Spring term runs from the 13th January to 28th March, with a 1 week break for half term (17th - 22nd Feb).

    There is limited course availability and trial options. Find out here:

    Book a trial, add yourself to a waiting list, check days, times and availability here

    We have 3 age appropriate courses:
    - Babes: 0-6months
    - Sitting/crawling: 6-14months
    - Toddlers: 13months to between 24&30months depending on if they are still benefitting from the programme. 

    They currently run out of:
    The rear hall, Salfords village hall, RH1 6DG - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
    St Aggies Hall, Hurst Green, RH8 - Monday morning 
    The Colman Redland Centre, Reigate - Monday afternoon 

    Availability changes as we allow people to move classes so do add yourself to the waiting list. We can also arrange private courses.

    If you have any questions, please contact me: I often find a phone call is quicker and easier. If you would like to call me, please drop me an email and my out of office has my contact number. I have taken my number off the web as I was receiving spam messages. 
    Thank you Sarah


    Sunnysigners, Oxted, Crawley, Caterham, Merstham, Coulsdon, Incy wincy spiders, Nutfield heaven, Horley, Hartbeeps, rainbow music, Bletchingley, Godstone, Musical hands, little singers, little heart music,  Baby signing, Redhill, Reigate, Babysensory,, baby sensory, Earlswood, Baby music class, Jo jingles, Dovers green, Merstham, Tiny Talk, dovers green, BusyLizzy, Hartbeeps, hookwood, musicbees, Music Bees, The Nest, ‘Redhill, the Nest’, TescoExtraSigning, TinyTalk, Hookwood, tiny talk, rhyme time, signing, baby group, baby activity, baby activities. little harts music, monkey music, moo music

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    Class Notes

    To see the latest availability, and book a trial please visit here

    Which course: 

    Sing and Sign Babes (up to approx 7 months)

    A lovely gentle and sensory music course with a strong emphasis on communication.  These classes introduce the basics of the Sing and Sign approach for those keen to sign with their babies.  We also show you lovely adaptations to familiar songs to enjoy with your baby while face to face, during nappy time, bathtime, bedtime and gentle play.

    Stage 1 (for babies 6/7 months plus)

    Your baby will be ready for Stage 1 from around 6/7 months or older at the start of term.  This is because he/she will be sitting up, becoming more aware and ready to enjoy the music, the toys and props, and social aspects of this course.

    If you have already completed one term of Stage 1 S&S then we recommend coming back for a second Term! In terms of the learning process, the first term is for you, the second term is for your baby. Did you know there are well over 100 signs covered in our Stage 1 course? If your baby is younger than 13/14 months then we definitely recommend repeating this Stage 1 curriculum.  Coming to class for a second term enables you to see the usefulness of some of our course ideas in action at home, as your baby will be growing developmentally ready to respond more and more! I can speak for all our teachers when I say they love to see their existing babies stay on and that they hope to see you there!

    Toddling on to Stage 2 (for babies from 14mths - 2.5 yrs)

    If your baby is a little older, you may feel ready for a course with a little more action and activity! Even if you have never done Sign and Sign before, in our Stage 2 class we still include the basic advice on how to sign with your baby and have some lovely songs to enjoy, covering concepts such as the weather, colours, being helpful, simple counting, opposites, and even beginning phonetic awareness all enjoyed through our magic ingredient - music! There are also opportunities to move about more, and plenty of toys and props to keep your baby amused.

    • Classes will run for about an hour and includes social time. 
    • Classes will be very relaxed and good fun. I know that babies don’t like to stay still so I don’t expect them to! The babies are welcome to roam around the room if they want to – they will still be learning (you would be surprised how much they can pick up whilst wandering!). Once Jessie Cat or the instruments appear they will soon come back!


    Nicky says:

    Of all the classes we have tried over the years, Sing and Sign is our favourite by far. The classes are pitched at just the right level, in a welcoming and easygoing environment where I have never felt self-conscious.  I have learned a lot about early communication and can say that one or two frustration related tantrums (but by no means all) have been averted in the early years with signing. Amazing. The DVDs and CDs supplement the classes really well and have kept everyone happy in the car / while I'm cooking dinner!

    The girls adore Jessie cat and for their birthdays recently took them along for lunch in Brighton. When people kept walking past the table saying "Yes, that's Jessie Cat!" to their little ones, my husband remembered that we were in "the home of Sing and Sign"! (He had watched Sasha's DVDs too!)

    Helen says:

    Sing and Sign classes are brilliant! I have been taking my daughter for over a year now and she loves them! (I love my weekly sing-a-long time too!).  The teachers are so enthusiastic and the children enjoy the familiar format of singing, playing the instruments and having a cuddle with Jessie cat. I am amazed by how much my daughter has learnt, not just her language and communication but she happily tidies up, doesn't moan when things are taken away and is even learning to share!

    I would highly recommend these classes to anyone, it's like a music class with so much more - and how fantastic to be able to communicate with your child when they see something that interests them, are hungry, tired or hurt...brilliant!

    Gemma says:

    I took my daughter to sing and sign classes from when she was about 9 months-she was interested and stimulated by the signs and songs which helped her understand and form links in her mind before she could talk. Her first sign was duck and her favourite was motorbike! signs are a great way of communicating with your baby- especially when they are hungry, tired and in pain for example because they do understand from an early age. I stopped taking my girl when she dropped her signs and started talking- I firmly believe that sing and sign was very educational and helped her development so much-its fantastic!

  • Nurseries


    Does your child attend a nursery?

    Sing and Sign now has an excellent Nursery Affiliation Programme which will train staff on their own premises at a time to suit all. We will teach staff a selection of signs, tailor made to the nursery's individual requirements and design an Individual Action Plan to inspire staff and make signing fun and easy to incorporate. Following training, the nursery will receive a Certificate of Sing and Sign Affiliation together with ongoing access to our signing resources and a complimentary package of products. 
    If your baby attends nursery or you know of a childcare facility that would be interested in receiving further information, please do pass our details on, or contact us at the number/email above.

    Sing and Sign Affiliated Nurseries in this area

      Kiddi Caru Redhill 

      1 The Kilns, Redhill RH1 2NX

      01737 762013

    Displaying our logo.png  First Steps Nursery

      18 Albury Road, Redhill RH1 3LS

      01737 215136

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